Season 8 [New Pentagram]


Added new pentagram

1. 10 new Pentagrams have been added.

2. A way of trade limit has been changed.

  • The Pentagram has trade limit at the first time when the item was obtained. (The first limited numbers of trade is different depending on each Pentagram and the minimum is 1 time)
  • Tradable seal can increase trade limit. (The maximum is 255)
Level to equip
Min. Damage
Max. Damage
Trade Limit
Iron Shield Wall
of the Lorencia
300 96 129 231 5
Hero Elixir 300 134 180 184 5
Gladiator's Dagger 300 168 227 132 5
Madness Blade
300 181 245 249 1
Kundun's Magic
Spell Scroll
300 181 245 249 1
Stronghold of the
Empire Guardians
300 181 245 249 1
Ancient Icarus
300 181 245 249 1
Arca's Prophecy 300 209 284 288 1
Antonia's Sword 300 209 284 288 1
Kundun's Seal
300 209 284 288 1

Pentagram Option

  • Added a unique option to new Pentagram item and the maximum two options can be added.
    (Previous Murren Scroll and Scroll of Etramu cannot have the option. )
  • Each option has specific activated conditions and when the conditions have been satisfied, the option effect can be applied.

Pentagram Option

Option NameDescription   
Increase attack of
Pentagram by 10
Increase basic
attack of Pentagram
by 10%
Ertel of Anger
/ 2 Rank
/ 3 Level
Increase defense of
Pentagram by 10%
Increase basic
defense of
Pentagram by 10%
Ertel of Anger
/ 2 Rank
/ 3 Level
Increase rate of
elemental critical
damage by 10%
Increase rate of
maximum damage of
elemental attack  by 10%
Ertel of Anger
/ 2 Rank
/ 3 Level
Transfer defense to
elemental defense
by 5%
Add 5% elemental
defense of character's
Ertel of Anger
/ 2 Rank
/ 5 Level
Ertel of Blessing
/ 3 Rank
/ 5 Level
Add damage to
elemental damage
by 1%
Add 1% of the last
damage to elemental
attack damage.
Ertel of Anger
/ 2 Rank
/ 5 Level
Ertel of Blessing
/ 3 Rank
/ 5 Level
increase resist
against strong
element by 5%
Increase rate of fully
elemental resist regarding
stronger element than
own element by 5%  
Ertel of Anger /
2 Rank / 5 Level
Ertel of Integrity
/ 3 Rank
/ 6 Level
Increase resist
against elemental
attack by 5%
Increase rate of fully
resist, when it is hit
by 5%
Ertel of Blessing
/ 3 Rank
/ 6 Level
Ertel of Integrity
/ 3 Rank
/ 6 Level
Ertel of Divinity
/ 3 Rank
/ 6 Level
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