Rage Fighter

Rage Fighter

Forgottem empire “Kalutan”rdquo;. The Rage Fighter is a remnant and descendant of Kalutal roayal knight. They are specialized for charge attack based on their physical advantage and use special buffs learned from Kalutan royal knight.

Points Per LevelStarting StrengthStarting AgilityStarting VitalityStarting EnergyLife / HP
7 32 27 25 20 100
ManaAGSDLife Per LevelMana Per LevelSD Per Level
40 37 125 1 1  
Solo Playing If level-up points are mainly distributed to Strength, fast hunting will be possible by giving high damage to monsters.
If level-up points are mainly distributed to Energy, the efficiency of hunting can be enhanced by hunting many monsters.
Party playing By distributing level-up points to Energy, defense rate can be enhanced and stable party play will be possible with the buff of strength enhancement.
PVP By distributing level-up points to Energy, holy animal attack will be strengthened and offence rate can be enhanced
Event Map Buff skills and attack skill can be mixed for a prompt procedure.
Castel Siege By giving beneficial buffs to allies, advantages to win the Castle siege van be taken.

Rage Fighter Specialized Skills

  • Cling Blow : Weapon skill Deliver shower of blow on enemies.
    Give enemies fear so that the abilities of enemies will decrease

  • Beast Upper : Weapon skill Deliver a heavy blow Make enemies staggered.

  • Chain Drive : Combo &Extensive Skill After a flying kick, delivers a blow By hitting fast, makes enemies slow

  • Dark Side : Combo & Extensive Skill Attack fast surrounding enemies Enemies in a certain range can be affected

  • Dragon Lore : Combo & Extensive Skill The power of Holy animal “Dragon” can be brought and give high damage to enemies in a certain range

  • Dragon Slasher : PVP skill Delivers a heavy flying kick
    Attack the weak point of enemies so damage to shield and HP of enemies.

  • Ignorance of defense of enemies : Buff skill This buff can ignore defense of enemies.
    This buff can be applied for only the buff user
    The more Energy one has the more durable this buff is

  • Increase of Strength : Buff skill This buff can increase strength of allies
    The more Energy points one has the more durable this buff is

  • Increase of Defense rate : Buff skill This buff can increase defense rate of allies
    The more Energy one has the more durable and effective this buff is

Rage Fighter skills

Weapon Skill Falling Slash 0 0 9 0  
Dragon Lore 0 0 9 0  
Uppercut 0 0 9 0  
Lunge 0 0 9 0  
Slash 0 0 10 0  
Cling Blow 0 0 9 0 Earth
Beast Upper 0 0 9 0 Fire
Combo &
Extensive Skill
Chain Drive 150 0 15 20 Ice
Dark Side 200 0 70 0 Wind
Dragon Lore 150 0 50 30 Earth
PVP Skill Dragon Slasher 200 0 100 100 Wind
Buff Skill Increase of defense 150 0 50 10  
Increase of Strength 70 0 50 10  
Increase of Defense rate 0 0 50 10  
Castel Siege Charge 0 90 20 15  
Sturn Cancle 0 0 25 30  
Swarl Mana 0 0 35 30  
Transparency Cancle 0 0 40 30  
Sturn 0 0 70 50  
Transparency 0 0 80 60  

If Rage Fighter use skills while wearing Wing items, his HP decreases

SkillDecrease RateHit CountTotal Damage Decrease
Cling Blow 2 4 8
Beast Upper 2 4 8
Chain Drive 4 8 32
Dark Side 4 2 X Number of monsters 8 X Number of monsters
Dragon Lore 2 4 X Number of monsters 8 X Number of monsters
Dragon Slasher 100 1 100
Increase of defense      
Increase of Strength      
Increase of Defense rate      
Charge 4 1 4
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